Mae West, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
the famous fitness guru Jack
known bodybuilders bulked up at
this longtime landmark of
bodybuilding and 'The Birthplace
of the Physical Fitness Boom of
the Twentieth Century'.
Dating back to the 1930's Santa
Monica's Muscle Beach regulars
became household names when
they brought fitness to California
and the rest of the world through
their gyms, exercise equipment,
and fitness TV shows. Founders
of this legendary fitness universe
include Harold Zinkin, Vic Tanny,
Joe Weider, Jack
LaLanne and Joe
personifying names
would meet on this
strip of golden beach
to workout and display
their physical prowess.
Today you can still feel
the vibes and energy
of heroes from the past,
where within view of the
marking sign Jack
LaLanne and his pals used to strut their stuff. Drenched in the Californian sun, this Body Building Walk of Fame attracts with the charms of physically fit eye-candy and die-hard fitness buffs who pursue mightily entertaining workouts, performing gymnastic feats on a set of ten rings, hanging on chains, or stretching out toward the glittering sea. A vivid body-consciousness is being generated and showed off by big guys and acrobatic talents.
This Mecca of fitness, located just south of the Santa Monica Pier, serves gymnasts, acrobats and youth with an extensive gymnastics training area: The outdoor workout equipment includes chinning bars at various heights, parallel bars, rings, a small jungle gym for children and a padded gymnastics area.
Read more:
Vanity (Af)fair
Gold's Gym
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